Tailwindcss is basically a framework packed with utility classes which makes really easy to quickly star nice-looking webpages. Now I guess you could say it's a bit like bootstrap or materialized css, but it's also very different as well because whereas bootstrap and materialized and all the css frameworks give you fully styled components like cards buttons dropdowns and all that kind of just right out-of-the-box tailwind doesn't do that it's much more low-level and gives you a ton of low-level utility classes to make your own components instead.
For example if you wanted to make a card in tailwind we might combine these different classes: class="rounded shadow p-2 bg-white"
rounded->gives you rounded corners
shadow-> gives you a drop shadow
p-2 -> gives you a bit padding
bg-white -> say we want background to be white
So we kind of make these components ourselves based on these low-level utility classes, but I hear to say doesn't that mean more work and isn't something like bootstrap then easier well yes and no. You can easily make your own reusable component in tailwind so it's not that much extra work to be honest and aside of that it also gives you a lot more flexibility than bootstrap and any other frameworks do as well and it allows you to customize your designs in a more unique way. Whereas you can generally look at a bootstrap website and you can tell it's made with bootstrap or maybe look at a materialized website and you can tell it's made with materialized, you can't really do that with tailwind because it doesn't really have a set look or feel that is down to you.
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